Wanted: Mid-Life Hobby

Wanted: Mid-Life Hobby - Podcast Trailer

Episode Summary

Check out the brand new 'Wanted: Mid-Life Hobby Podcast' with host Rob Richter. Brand new episode every month and season 1 kicks off June 18, 2021!

Episode Transcription

If you’re anything like me, you may have just hit the point in your life where you’ve been forced to admit you’ve reached middle age. You’ve gotten comfortable doing the same things, playing the same roles, even coping with stress the same way from day to day. 

But maybe you’ve also found you have a little more spare time or a little less commitments. Maybe you want to commit to investing in a new passion. Maybe you had a meaningful life change and you want to find new solid ground to stand on. Maybe you just want to find something that will simply distract you for a few minutes each day. 

Well, maybe I can help.

My name is Rob Richter, and I’ve been forced to admit I officially fit the label of mid-life. I’ve experienced a lot of those “maybes” I just mentioned, and I’ve decided I want to find that new something extra in my life. I want a mid-life hobby.

Join me on my podcast as I explore a wide variety of leisurely activities. Every few weeks, I’ll chat up a couple of guests who bring different approaches, experiences, and expectations to the table. I’m hoping to find something to sink my teeth into, and if you subscribe and listen in to a few episodes of “Wanted: A Mid-Life Hobby,”, maybe you will, too.